Males have a foreskin on their penis at the time of birth. Circumcision refers to the surgical removal of the foreskin due to medical, religious or cultural reasons. Usually, circumcision is done a few days after the male child’s birth. Adults and older babies can also get circumcised due to various reasons. However, the circumcised penis typically recovers in a week at any age.
How is Circumcision Performed?
During circumcision, the foreskin, which covers the glans of the penis, is removed. Babies typically have their circumcisions soon after birth. Originally, circumcision was a religious ritual. These days, circumcision is performed for religious, medical, and cultural reasons. Circumcision has become popular in males as almost 33% of men are circumcised all around the globe. However, the ratio is different in every country according to their beliefs and culture.
What are the Benefits of Circumcision?
According to research, circumcision benefits are more than its risks. Many medical professionals suggest circumcision to avoid specific health problems in males. However, it can be done at any age with the latest surgical methods that have reduced the risks and pain associated with circumcision. There are following circumcision benefits for males!
Decreases the chance of severe urinary tract infection in male children
Lower risks of sexually transmitted infections
Reduce the risk of different penile infections and cancer
Protection against foreskin-related issues
Risk of Infection in Circumcision
It’s crucial to be aware of possible risks before any surgery. The most common circumcision risk is infection. When performed under sterile settings, infection is a rare side effect of circumcision. The yellowish scabs that may develop on the skin where adhesions were removed or around the cut edge are sometimes mistaken for infections when, in fact, they are a natural part of the healing process.
The Plastibell device is believed to enhance the likelihood of real infection, most likely due to a foreign body at the surgery site. When an infection emerges, it needs to be quickly identified and treated. Infections can become severe issues in this age group due to babies’ weakened states. Meningitis, necrotizing fasciitis, gangrene, and sepsis have all been known as side effects of infected circumcision sites, although uncommon.
How to Prevent Infection after Circumcision
Some post-circumcision care tips will help prevent any infection after this surgical procedure. The circumcised area may initially be red, sensitive, raw, and contain a little blood. During the first week of the healing process, there can be a tiny bit of yellow leakage on the end of the penis. By the third day, tenderness should be almost completely gone.
A Plastibell ring should detach in five to eight days if one were utilised. Avoid pulling the ring off because doing so could result in bleeding. Before the circumcision area heals entirely, it could take seven to ten days.
Do not delay the changing of the diaper of your baby. Change it as soon as it is dirty.
With each diaper change, the dressing of the gauze should also be changed.
Remember to wash your hands before and after changing the gauze to prevent infection.
Carefully remove the gauze and wash the penis with warm water if the circumcision area gets dirty from the faeces.
If the gauze is adhered to the circumcision area, gently remove it by wetting it with warm water to release it.
Apply pure petroleum jelly to a fresh piece of gauze as it facilitates the penis to heal swiftly.
Use a washcloth or cotton ball to gently wipe or squeeze warm water onto the penis to clean it. Avoid washing the penis with soap, lotion, powder, or baby wipes to avoid stinging or irritation.
How to Recognize Circumcision Infection
The following signs may happen due to the infection after circumcision. If you or your child experience any of these, it is essential to consult a doctor!
Bleeding after a few days of circumcision. It can be a few drops stuck to the diaper or underwear.
Yellow scabs on the head of the penis where the foreskin was removed
If local anaesthetic injections were used during the surgery, there might be some bruising near the base of the penis’ shaft and a small quantity of clear discharge surrounding the wound site, a common symptom of ageing skin in the Plastibell technique. Sometimes the release smells bad, but when this happens, it can be challenging for parents to determine whether an infection is present or not. As a result, getting medical guidance is a wise move.
Discomfort during the first few days following circumcision and, in children, when the Plastibell ring is about to come off. It is advisable to take painkillers throughout this time.
At Circumcision pro, men’s circumcisions are done safely and efficiently by professionals while reducing the risks of infections and complications.
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