As we all know naturally available source of food brings in more strength and helps in maintaining good health for bones and joints. In case some needful nutrients are missed out it can be compensated with the help of supplements, the extracts of the innate food source available in the form of supplementary products say health drinks or tablets. They serve to restore the bone strength that has been lost over time. It’s all about taking the alternative of the fresh foodstuff to revive your health and keep up fitness.
Vitamin D
The main role of Vitamin D in our body is to absorb Calcium, which is essential in the course of development and to ‘upkeep’ strong bones. Our body naturally produces calcium in the skin, on exposed to ultraviolet light rays from the Sun and food sources. Unfortunately some people, especially the elders do not produce sufficient amounts of Vitamin which may lead to serious cases of osteoporosis. Taking regular Vitamin D supplements will improve your bodies’ ability to absorb calcium ensuring healthier bones.
Like Vitamin D, Glucosamine exists naturally, as a sugar that is produced in the body glucose and is used in the repair as well as in general maintenance of the cartilage in your joints. Glucosamine plays the most beneficial roles in one’s body, when taken in the form of Glucosamine tablets. It is has the ability to reduce the inflammation of joints that have either been injured or effected by the onset of diseases such as arthritis – which will in turn relieve pain and increase the affected area’s movement.
Alongside building and maintaining healthy bones as was mentioned earlier, Calcium is essential for other bodily functions, such as regulating your heartbeat, conducting nerve impulses and clotting blood. Everyday you lose this precious calcium, through you hair, nails, urine and sweat. Calcium that is getting lost has to be replaced which is normally done through the foods you eat. Studies have shown that some people consume as little as half the amount of calcium per day that is required by their body, Calcium supplements play a major role in compensating the needful Calcium at most times.
Magnesium is a an excellent mineral to take if you are also taking Calcium supplements, as it helps the body to regulate the level of calcium absorbed by your body. This combination of supplements will prevent the calcium being stored in your kidneys or arteries where it could actually be harmful.
Devil’s Claw
Whilst its name hardly suggests a supplement that would be beneficial to your health, Devil’s Claw can be used to aid the treatment of a number of different conditions and calm the effects of some diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Devil’s claw is actually a plant extract that is native to southern Africa, which takes its name from the small hooks that are characteristic of the plant’s fruit. Like Glucosamine as mentioned earlier, devil’s claw really calls its own beneficial terms to treat conditions that cause inflammation, such as osteoarthritis and tendonitis.
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